David Davis 3Ds
Since 1987 David Davis has been creating new brands and designs for petrol stations, restaurants, cafes, convenience stores, shopping centres, banks, car showrooms, department stores, airports, telecoms, sports events and other retail ventures alongside a number of leading design and branding agencies. In 1994 David Davis set up his own branding and design agency Three D's which works for numerous blue chip companies across the globe. With a highly skilled team of global account managers, designers, visualizers and engineers Three D's can undertake a uniquely broad range of services ranging from branding, graphic design, architecture, product design, interior design, wayfinding, energy efficiency design and project management.

David Davis
David is the owner of Three D's and performs the dual role of overall creative and project director for all Three D's work past and present. David's experience spans over 30 major roadside retail food and fuel brands across all corners of the globe. David is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and events.

George Sidaris
George has a BSc in civil engineering and energy efficiency design. George is able to assist the team in all design and visualization capacities. George is currently designing, project managing an energy efficient passive house.

Elena Migunova
Elena fulfills the role of client services director and project manager for many large projects. Over the 10 years working with David, Elena has also become an invaluable asset helping to develop strategy, be involved in name creation and see projects though from concept creation to prototype development.

Andreas Nikolidis
Andreas is a multi talented electrical engineer and systems designer currently working on a number of charging centre projects and battery installations for automotive and marine use. Andreas is a hands on person equally happy in the workshop and drawing office.

Giuliano Zampi
Giuliano is an architect, 3d visualizer and user experience analyst and assisted David back in 1987 when employed on the iconic BP Horizon reimaging programme and again more recently for the same client. Giuliano is a master chess player in his free time.

Joe Staples
Joe has a BA Hons in illustration and is a brilliant illustrator and graphic designer who assists the team in conceptualizing and crafting beautiful identities that can turn a rough idea into a practical, distinctive and engaging design.